Welcome to Property Management

Background image: Campus Building
Image credit:
UC Berkeley

About Property Management

Property Management is a service unit within Supply Chain Management(link is external). We are responsible for post-purchase processes associated with many of the physical goods required by the campus, as well as providing related useful services.

We provide:

  • Accurate and timely delivery of purchased goods
  • Management and control of inventorial and non-inventorial equipment
  • Sale and disposal of surplus UC Berkeley campus property
  • Acquisition, assistance, and management of the University's fleet of vehicles
  • Moving and special event support services
  • Administration of the campus secured rental storage space program

Property Management welcomes visitors!

However, please be aware that our operations include spaces that can be busy with staff operating equipment that could present dangers to visitors.  


  • Deliveries and visitors may be required to call for admittance to the site.  The call number is listed on the entrance gate.
  • All visitors must wear closed-toed shoes inside the office and warehouse (no sandals, flip flops or crocs type footwear).
  • No animals except for designated and clearly identified Service and Emotional Support Animals are allowed in the building.  Animals that are walked in the parking lot must be leashed at all times.
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
Robert Swan

SB 820

California Senate Bill 820 imposes additional restrictions for contracting out for services performed in buildings that have received capital state funding. As a condition for UC Berkeley receiving state capital funding, contracting out for covered services is generally not permissible. The list of UC Berkeley state-funded buildings can be found through Supply Chain Management here:

SB 820 Building Listing(link is external)